Monday, August 22, 2011

Coles on Facebook

I finally found the official Coles page on Facebook, the use of this interactive media allows customers and employees to communicate with the company. It seems to be working well as all the comments are pretty positive although one would assume there would have to be some sort of censoring. On the Facebook page Coles ran a competition involving its symbolic big red hand that is associated with the "prices are down and staying down" campaign. The prize being a holiday to New York, the competition finished this month, the terms are as follows

Prize Details

Picture yourself Down Down.
Win a trip for four to downtown New York!

Upload a fun image of you celebrating our down down prices with the BIG RED HAND and go into the running to win an amazing trip for four to the ultra cool downtown New York.
How to Enter

1. Collect a BIG RED HAND from your nearest Coles store.
(Or download the PDF version from this page)
2. Get creative and take a picture of you, your mates or your family doing something fun with the BIG RED HAND.
3. Upload your photos to our competition page.
4. Share with everyone you know to make sure you get the most votes possible.

Prize Eligibility
Only persons residing in Australia who are at least 15 years of age can enter.
Contest Opens
July 12, 2011 @ 09:00 am (EST)
Contest Closes
August 15, 2011 @ 11:59 pm (EST)

The "Big Red Hand" has become a recognisable logo for the Coles brand in such a short time it is incredible. The Coles facebook page is quite well set up with an online customer care section (phone numbers are also available) and links to other Coles facebook pages "Coles online" where orders for home delievery can be made and "Coles recepies" with celebrity chef Curtis Stone is a winner, it features recepies and videos.

The Coles Online facebook page is an excellent example of 2 way communication from Coles, with questions and comments usually getting feedback within the hour

The main downside with the Coles facebook page is that it is under utilised, the 3 pages all have less than 10,000 fans with the official Coles page having just over 5,000. Quite amazing when you consider that the NSW Police force has 55,963 and Coles is a national brand that spends a lot getting its name out there.


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